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TELUS Digital AI - ID Verification 텔루스에이아이코리아 개인신분증명하는 프로세스

by 디어제이 2025. 3. 19.

Resume와 CV를 제출하고 나면,

24시간 이내에,

  • 신원조회 reference check
  • APP에 대한 interest 관련 설문조사를 한다.
TELUS Digital - Task Interest Media Search Analyst

Congratulations on making it this far in the process!
By now you will have received a link to the Identity Verification Process and will soon (if deemed eligible) be moved to the next phase of the program. As we have a selection of different tasks available, we would like to find out what Task suits you the best. Please fill in the information below:


  • Email address associated with your Application
  • Full Name
  • Your country of Residence

